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Modern APIs for Logistics

Top 10 Logistics Solution Providers 2023

CTSi Global: The Era of Smart Logistics

The history of transportation and logistics dates long back. In today’s world, logistics has undergone tremendous advancements as technology evolved. CTSi Global is a company that recognizes the fast-moving world of supply chain and logistics technology and offers innovative freight and logistics solutions to businesses across the globe. Companies can maximize supply chain efficiency, boost their logistics value, leverage strategic partnerships, and gain global visibility with CTSi Global. Visualizing Read More…

Logmore: Turning Big Data and the Internet of Things into Reality

Food and pharmaceutical products, for instance, sometimes comprise sensitive, perishable materials that must be treated with care throughout transportation and storage. These things can go bad if they aren’t handled properly, and they may become unsafe to eat if they aren’t treated properly. Businesses all across the globe are losing money as a result of supply chain waste. In reality, the supply chain is responsible for the loss of 14% of the world’s food. Using technology-driven solutions Read More…

Opentext: Digital Documents made easy!

The world today is now relying on machines to do a lot of work, so it makes sense to update machines and ensure that data related to organizations remain safe and secure. Modern offices and teams need innovative platforms which will help them to connect with other teams seamlessly. It is important to have backups and ample storage space so that customers remain confident in the products and services your business provides for them.customers Read More…

Shypple: A Leaner, Greener Future for Shipping

As a digital native in one of the oldest industries globally, I’m charmed by the idea of bringing the past into the future. When I look at the global freight industry today, I can see waves of changes moving us towards greater efficiency, better customer experiences, and stronger collaborations in the years ahead. I see two areas where there is a desire for change including creating better customer experiences and limit our external impact as we do business. Technology is vital to make both these areas a reality. Read More…


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